
Gospel Crusades

Evangelist Joe Turnbull is passionate about throwing a large net and seeing the power of the Gospel save the masses. He also is a part of Christ for all Nations Evangelism Alliance Group and partners with the ministry of Cfan organizing Gospel Crusades and Ministering to the Masses.

His most recent crusade was in Tanzania, Africa, where thousands heard the gospel for the first time and many were saved.


We have a passion to see the next generation get saved and raised up strong in the Lord. We have conducted school outreaches that have seen thousands of students give their life to Jesus. From America to Africa, we invade the school systems with the Power of the Gospel seeing students’ lives transformed.

Street Evangelism

Sometimes you have to go small to go big. We believe that every person counts, and we are called to leave the 99 to go after the one. Check this video out of a man possessed by a Demon yelling from a parking garage.

City Outreaches

We believe that Jesus can turn around a city. Recently in 2020 we went to the city of “CHOP” aka Seattle Washington. During city riots a group of terrorists took over a part of downtown and even ran the police out of the Precinct building. We invaded the city with the love of Christ and by the end of our stay we were baptizing “CHOP SECURITY GUARDS”. The most powerful thing is the local church after hearing that we were there, began to bring food and materials into the seized area and grew in boldness and began to work alongside us and taking people into their congregation. What a glorious time to be alive and Partner with the Gospel.